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Нерест Акара Марони (Cleithracara maroni)


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Cleithracara maronii - Keyhole Cichlid

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Family Distribution Habitat Max Length Minimum Tank Size Tank Setup Temperature

pH Range Hardness Diet Compatibility Sexual Dimorphism Breeding Notes



Cleithracara maronii adult pair, male at bottom Cleithracara maronii juvenile

© Matt Ford © JJPhoto


Cichlidae. Subfamily: Cichlasomatinae




The type specimen was collected from the Rio Maroni on the border of Suriname and French Guiana. It's also known from parts of Venezuela, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago.




Slow moving, clear water streams and tributaries. These are often stained with tannins from decaying wood.



Maximum Standard Length

Can apparently reach 6" (15cm), but aquarium specimens almost never exceed 4" (10cm). Females are usually a little smaller than males, at around 3" (7.5cm).



Minimum Tank Size

A pair can be kept in a tank as small as 24" x 15" x 12" (60cm x 37.5 cm x 30cm) - 68 litres, provided no other cichlids are present.



Tank Setup

Does best in a dimly-lit tank with a dark substrate. A layer of floating plants will not only give the desired level of lighting, but will also reduce the somewhat flighty behaviour of the species. Additional decor can consist of some beech branches and pieces of bogwood, to simulate its natural habitat. A couple of flat stones should also be added. These will provide potential spawning sites. Any water movement should ideally be kept to a minimum. It also does well in a heavily planted setup, if you prefer.




72-77°F (22-25°c)



pH Range









It will accept most types of food. Offer a varied selection of dried, frozen and live foods for the best development and condition.




One of the most peaceful cichlids available in the hobby, this is generally a shy species. If it is the only cichlid in the tank, you will need to add a shoal or two of 'dither' fish to give it more confidence. Most tetras are ideal for this purpose, as are other characins such as hatchetfish or pencilfish. In a big enough space it can be combined with other peaceful cichlids, such as angels, discus, rams and even Apistogramma. Corydoras and smaller Loricariids make good bottom dwellers for a tank containing keyholes.


While peaceful the majority of the time, it's worth remembering that this is still a cichlid. It will protect its brood quite fiercely when spawning, showing no fear of tankmates much larger than itself. Best kept as a single pair, although in larger tanks a group is feasible.



Sexual Dimorphism

Not an easy species to sex. Juveniles are pretty much identical. Adult males tend to be a bit bigger than females, and have longer extensions to the dorsal and anal fins.




A good choice for the newcomer to breeding cichlids, being easy to spawn and raise. A pair should be given their own tank for spawning purposes, perhaps with the addition of a shoal of dither fish. The easiest way to obtain such a pair is to buy a group of 6-8 young fish and grow them on together, allowing them to choose their own partners. Once a pair is noticed the other fish are best removed. This can take some time, so a degree of patience is required.


Set up the tank as suggested above. Soft, acidic water (pH below 7.0, general hardness around 5°) is needed. Courtship behaviour can often be induced by performing a large water change with cooler water. There is a noticeable increase in aggression by the pair, along with plenty of flaring and displaying to each other.


The eggs are almost always laid on a flat rock if one is available. In the absence of this, they will use any suitable surface, including the base of the tank. The site is cleaned thoroughly before any eggs are laid. These may number several hundred. Often a pair spawning for the first time will eat their brood, but will usually get it right after two or three attempts. Both parents care for the eggs, fanning them with their fins and chasing away any intruders into their territory.


The eggs hatch in 3-5 days, becoming free swimming in 7-10 days. The fry are big enough to accept microworm or brine shrimp nauplii from this point. Some breeders prefer to remove the eggs to a separate tank before they hatch. While you may be able to exercise a little more control over the situation this way, you would miss out on some wonderful broodcare behaviour. Parental care is very extended in this species, and can continue for several months post-spawning. It is a joy to watch the adults shepherding their young around the tank, all the while defending them against potential predators.

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